The trial of 73-year-old serial killer Joseph DeAngelo is still months away but authorities say the trial could cost the tax payer up to $20 million.
Sacramento County officials are to ask the state authorities of California for financial help in prosecuting and defending the case against DeAngelo since a judge ruled that he could not afford a private attorney and must use a public defender, Diane Howard, who represented him in court in early December.
DeAngelo faces 26 murder and kidnap charges in six counties dating back to the 1970s and 80s. The charges include 13 murders and cover 50 rapes.
One of DeAngelo’s M.O.s was to break into homes at night. If a couple was home he would tie up the man, place dishes on his back and then threaten to kill both victims if he heard the plates fall on the floor whilst he raped the female.