A new book “Sex & the Serial Killer” has revealed that suspected serial killer, Robert Durst, once boasted about eating a prostitute he invited round to the author’s home for a bondage & sex session.
The book is penned by someone using the pseudonym ‘William Steel’ who used to rent a room to Durst.
Durst reached notoriety in 2015 when an HBO documentary, ‘The Jinx’, featured his case. Durst was a real estate heir who was convicted of murdering and dismembering his neighbour, Morris Black, in 2001. He is suspected of killing his first wife, Kathleen McCormack Durst, who went missing in 1982. He is also accused of killing Susan Berman, who was shot in the head in Beverley Hills, California, shortly before she was due to speak with investigators about Kathleen Durst’s disappearance.
The HBO documentary famously ended with Durst being left alone in a room and saying to himself “What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course.” not realising his microphone was still turned on.
Steel reveals in the book that Durst rented one of his rooms so he could bring prostitutes round for sex and bondage sessions away from the glare of his wealthy family.
Steel alleges that one night Durst came home with an 18-year-old prostitute who had two distinctive cherry tattoos on her pubic area. Some time later Steel said he saw explicit photos of the girl bound and gagged with a knife and fork on her stomach. When asked what they were for he says Durst told him “Why I ate her of course, you don’t want to know the details but the cherries were the best part.”
Steel says Durst later confessed that he had tortured, strangled and ate the girl. He said “I absolutely believe he killed and ate her. I think he admitted killing Kathleen to her and then had to get rid of her.
“I remembering him making comments about her and her cherry tattoos and he said they were the best part of her and talked about how she’s no longer with us.
“I felt sick. I was too stunned to ask any more about it.”
Durst used to arrive st Steel’s place with bags containing whips, restraints, handcuffs, leg irons, chloroform, latex gloves, knives, pliers, Valium & saws.
Steel claims that Durst also confessed to killing his wife and burying her in a “barren place in New Jersey” and that he checked on her all the time. He further alleged that on one occasion Durst arrived at the house with a suitcase claiming his wife was inside. He allegedly said to Steel “I want to introduce you to Kathie… I like to take her out sometimes.” Her body has never been found.
Steel claims he regrets not reporting matters to the police earlier saying he has since found religion and wants to do the right thing.